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Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. - Philippians 4:6

Pray without ceasing - 1 Thessalonians 5:17


Read more about my faith journey below

As a hairstylist, I've always been told it's taboo to discuss my faith while I'm working. To that I say, that being a believer is not just something I do, but it is who I am. I cannot separate my faith from my work. It is God who prompted my heart to become a hairstylist (long before I ever became a believer), and it is Him who guides my hands and my heart in what I do. I love God, and I love Jesus, and I am very bold about my faith. I am licensed to touch, and with that, I often touch more hearts than hair. As a believer, I am to do all things for the glory of God, and that includes working with others and doing hair. It is not a requirement that you believe the same in order to work with me, and I will never force you to believe what I believe.

As a hairstylist, I have a unique opportunity to work with so many different people. Many appointments are often anywhere from 2 to 4 hours, and I absolutely love the conversations I get to have with others. We are all going through different things in this walk of life, and I love the opportunity to encourage, uplift, and pray for others. We can all use prayer, even on our best days.

I offer a pray box at my station, however, there may be an instance when you are not at the salon that you could use some prayer. I would love to pray for you! Please know that even if you have never sat in my chair, or worked with me, I would still love to pray for you as well. Simply fill out the digital prayer request card, and I would be happy to pray for you!

May God, the Creator of all things, bless you, strengthen you, empower you, encourage you, and draw you close. 


I wasn't always a believer. I didn't grow up in church, I didn't have Christian friends who shared their faith with me. It wasn't until I was 26 years old that I heard the gospel and believed in Jesus and found everything that had been missing in my life.

From ages 18-26, I spent much of my life wandering around, lost, depressed, anxious, hopeless, and miserable. I sought anything that would fill the void in my heart - a void that only Christ can truly fill. Each thing I tried to fill the hole in my heart with, would make me feel "happy", which is a temporal, emotional fix. It wasn't until I found Christ that I found true JOY which is something that is not based on our circumstances or emotions. Happiness is fleeting, but true joy in Christ withstands all things.

Regardless of what life brings, I know that this world is not my home, and that all of this is temporary. Each trial, and struggle of life, while it may be unpleasant, and even downright awful, truly is a blessing, because it has strengthened and encouraged me in my faith, and ability to trust God in all things.

I share all this because I was once where many may find themselves today. Sometimes we don't know where to find hope, or we want to trust in Jesus but we feel like we can't come to him because we are "too broken", "too ashamed", or perhaps that we've "messed up too much". Jesus says "Come to me, ALL who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." - Matthew 11:28-30 - 
God doesn't tell us to clean ourselves up and then come to Christ - He says, come to me, find rest, and learn from me as I walk with you.


Finding Christ truly changed my life in so many ways, and I am compelled to share what God has done for me, and in and through my life. Every answer to the things of this life, I have found within the pages of God's word, and reading it has transformed my life. I pray that if you have sat in my chair you've been blessed through your appointments with me, and if you've merely stumbled across me through social media, that something I have shared has impacted you in a positive way.

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